22/12/2011 12:56:24 pm
Out with the with the new. Mebby I should have waited to close this forum on the last day of the year but 175 is a nice round (ish) number.
22/12/2011 01:09:07 pm
Just click on 'reply', like so...
22/12/2011 01:21:48 pm
That's good, eh?
22/12/2011 01:56:29 pm
wow new page but did I mention about my bad arm on the old page, the one I had to pull a huge piece of glass out of when I got glassed last friday in the napper maybe I did but ha there was blood all over the place, well some on my jeans anyway just thought I'd mention it again If maybe you've not heared
22/12/2011 03:40:16 pm
Hmmm the loss of blood seems to have given you the super power of being able to bugger up a comments page.
First Lady
22/12/2011 03:44:58 pm
Ewan, I meant to get back to you sooner, but was still recovering from the sheer trauma of that night. Thank you so much for protecting me from the onslaught on glass, you are my hero. I hope your arm (and your jeans) recover soon. x
24/12/2011 07:15:38 am
I am getting better and as for beening your hero I just did what any chum would have done to save a lady from harm
24/12/2011 05:53:54 am
Both full of man flu so not venturing into town but will see you all boxing night x
24/12/2011 06:29:39 am
That's a big shame both.
24/12/2011 06:51:58 am
Incidentally all, have you noticed we have just recorded our 10000th page hit?
24/12/2011 04:37:30 pm
Merry Christmas!!! one and all
24/12/2011 08:01:39 pm
Full of beer and Christmas cheer.
24/12/2011 10:46:37 pm
As Noddy Holder famously declared....
25/12/2011 03:37:12 am
To all chum's have great day.
25/12/2011 03:52:03 am
Merry Xmas to all the chums & chuminas, see you all tomorrow night. Bah chumbug, yay!
25/12/2011 04:09:38 am
Bah Chumbug indeed
25/12/2011 07:47:24 pm
This is my first post as a 47 year old.
27/12/2011 10:20:02 am
Hope you had a chumtastic birthday prez we certainly enjoyed the celebrations what a cracking turnout too, good times :-)
27/12/2011 01:41:25 pm
I certainly did....and looking forward to doing it all over again on NYE:)
25/12/2011 11:38:56 pm
Happy Birthday, Prez! Look forward to buying you a pint of genuine ale later. Have a great day.
Neil & Kimbers
26/12/2011 02:51:34 am
Many Happy returns oh great Leader!! Hope you have a totally chumtastic day- we could very well see you later for a bevvy or two!
26/12/2011 07:08:28 am
Happy birthday Nick. See ya later chum :)
27/12/2011 01:47:35 pm
Thanks to all the Chums and Chuminas who were out last night and made my birthday such a marvelous event.
31/12/2011 08:10:00 am
Hurrah! Hurrah! I'm finished work early lucky lucky luck cluck luc lu ky me :-) (for all of you who watched blackadder the best bits that was an impression of The prince) See you all in the Napper later for more Jolity dont forget your tickets :-) laters chums.... xx
31/12/2011 09:39:47 am
Great news Nicky. See you later with the rest of the chums out tonight. Have a happy New Year those that can't make it.
1/1/2012 02:56:31 am
Chumtastic new year to all,great crack in the napper,rock club was pants c u on wed chums ,2012 yay!!!!
1/1/2012 08:33:46 am
Aye a good night at the Napper, but too full of people in the Rock Night.
1/1/2012 09:17:11 am
Yet another great New Year in the napper
1/1/2012 11:29:59 am
Haapy New Year chums! Totally agree, great night in the Napper, less said about Club Rock the better, bloody amatuer night!!!
2/1/2012 06:21:35 am
This is a first for the chums ,I got the number ONE pint of 2012 in the Napper,Huzzar !!! See yeu's for Wed club chums.
2/1/2012 05:14:41 pm
Good to see the Xmas Eve & Boxing Night photos up. Damn good nights. Nice work Prez. Hopefully see you all soon.
3/1/2012 03:19:56 pm
What time and where ??? for weds club woodys 2/3 ish
3/1/2012 03:29:53 pm
I believe Wednesday Chum club is at Woodies at 3:00 ish. But I am full of cold still (dunno where I could have got it from...Ewan) and might not get to work tomorrow in which case I will not make it:(
4/1/2012 02:16:14 am
A sober Happy New Year all...not nice to be back at work. Poor Prez, I had it before xmas (thanks to ITT), not nice. Hope his drink throwing incident didn't give undue concern, it was only over me slagging off Motley Crue & Def Lep.....drink in, wits out as they say. We were best of buddies when he got home, especially as his hang over was worse than mine for once, hahaha! Not sure when we will see you next as ITT's shifts run into weekends again soon & then we have Thin Lizzy/Clutch on 21st Jan in Newcastle, so keep chumming on our behalf!
4/1/2012 07:43:51 am
My apologies to all concerned on our chumestic incident. The 'Beast Of Bourbon' (see what i did there Stones fans) raised its ugly head!
4/1/2012 08:11:49 pm
No apology needed both of you. If it's any consolation I didn't see/hear any of it.
4/1/2012 02:19:23 pm
Well the decorations are down, Christmas is over, time to hibernate for another year! or... alternatively... any suggestions?
4/1/2012 08:22:06 pm
Greetings from my sickbed (If Ewan can exaggerate, why not me?).
5/1/2012 02:36:46 am
Love the video, cheered me up & cleared my second day back blues! Hope the snuffles have abated.
6/1/2012 03:44:30 am
Hmmm, no replies to my question.
6/1/2012 05:18:45 am
Yep me and Ruth may get in around 3:30, 4ish
7/1/2012 09:57:53 am
How much fun can we have, just look at the New Years Eve pics that how much
8/1/2012 10:12:15 am
Well done on the video's what a fun filled year we have had. The NYE pics are great too what a brill way to see the new year in with our crowd of chums we all look great through our beer goggles too. mmmm I wonder what the word is for a collection of chums .....
8/1/2012 04:41:06 pm
I would say the collective noun is possibly an orgy of Chums or simply a chum of Chums:)
9/1/2012 02:07:27 am
Love the NYE photos, just rang hubby to tell him his lights were on but no one was home....great night in napper, his midnight roar photo is hysterical! Here's to another great year.
9/1/2012 05:07:33 am
Or how about a Firkin of Chums?
9/1/2012 07:12:49 am
Hahahaha (I refuse to put lol!), firkin is good.
Pagoda Nick
9/1/2012 08:12:56 am
Hey Toddy.
9/1/2012 08:13:07 am
So far I'm with NNN a barrel of chums is good Firkin sounds very 'carry on' and thats fits the bill too any more ideas :-)
9/1/2012 10:19:54 am
happy new year all i know its late but just got the laptop back as its had a dodgy xmas virus.i prefer the firkin myself
10/1/2012 12:35:56 pm
Hi Mike and a Happy New Year to you too, hope the puppies are behaving. Lots of dodgy Xmas viruses about.
9/1/2012 02:25:14 pm
How does a 'jumble of chums' sounds?
10/1/2012 05:53:56 am
I have thought of a couple of more suggestions.
10/1/2012 07:29:33 am
A jumble of chums? What have I been feeding you hubby dearest!? An Anarchy of chums fits in nicely with my ocd nature & all things being connected & matchy matchy. So we have Firkin over a Barrel (Finbar Saunders, eat your heart out) and Friendship versus Anarchy?
10/1/2012 08:17:49 am
My favourite definition for 'jumble'' is 'to mingle in a state of disorder'! Sound familiar, chums?
10/1/2012 08:17:49 am
My favourite definition for 'jumble'' is 'to mingle in a state of disorder'! Sound familiar, chums?
10/1/2012 09:01:08 am
P.S. D'oh! Bloody touchscreen phones! Pressed 'submit' once & it sent twice.
10/1/2012 03:10:17 pm
I quite like a "CHUNDER" of chums or a "CULTURE" of chums or a "CLUTCH" of or whatever else begins with "C"
11/1/2012 11:07:42 am
14/1/2012 10:53:07 am
Back on the tinterweb, Yay! First thought on the collective noun was the beer inspired 'Bevvy of Chums' but a 'Chattering' may work more phonetically. As Pagoda Nick says, we do talk some bollocks here & I love it :)
16/1/2012 06:10:21 am
With all the indecision over deciding on a Logo, organizing the commemorative photo, dissagreements over where our Chum away weekend should be, and now the great collective noun debabte I reckon an uncertainty of Chums seems most appropriate....
16/1/2012 12:21:50 pm
Mike a crotch of chums? interesting but a bit sweaty. I'm liking a bevvy of chums. A chunder doesn't seam to fit as we all do keep our beer down, I appreciate you trying to incorporate our Australian friends. I think my fave is still a barrel of chums though. Welcome back shaggy x
16/1/2012 06:54:24 pm
Right lets settle the collective noun debate once and for all. I have posted a Poll at the top of this page. You can vote as often as you like and can vote for more than one each time you vote.
18/1/2012 03:11:43 am
I'd like to say a BIG WELL DONE to Kimbers great news on the job front :-) xXXx
18/1/2012 06:03:25 am
Come on Kimbers...give those without facebook the news:)
19/1/2012 02:09:28 am
Sorry we'll miss you all on Saturday night, we are off to baltic Newcastle to see Thin Lizzy (well, what is left of them) but more importantly, Clutch are in support. Have a great night, we'll toast to a barrel of chums!
19/1/2012 12:11:56 pm
You will have a great night both are well worth seeing see you soon xXXx
20/1/2012 02:27:20 am
I'm sure you will all have fun too, see you soon x
21/1/2012 12:57:15 pm
Thanks for the well done!! I've managed to get sign-ups for Apprenticeships for people who are already employed and I'm in full time employment assessing again! YIPPEEEEE!!!
22/1/2012 01:59:05 pm
Nice one Kimbers, good to hear you got the sign-ups you needed. Carry on the good work, Yay! Loving the Stewie & Gizmo photos! ITT & NNN, you're still thinking like chums, even when you're on away days. There is absolutely no help for you two, haha! Just to say, cracking night last night, the best therapy after a week of nights :)
22/1/2012 10:54:12 pm
Glad you like the pics Shaggy, I was waiting to get kicked out of the shop! I liked Gizmo so much I bought him! The guy in FP says he'll be fine as long as I don't get him wet or feed him after midnight :o) No beer for Giz then!
23/1/2012 12:27:39 pm
No going out with you two either. That'll end up as a shed load of Lager & a midnight kebab for little Giz, not good! There's enough 'Beer Gremlins' in our crowd already & I'm putting myself up for that award. XX
24/1/2012 02:31:21 am
Oh no, we're dumped! Maybe NASA do dehydrated beer capsules?
24/1/2012 04:29:11 am
Be aware folks that it's Burn's Night on the 25th. Chum Club will be sampling the Haggis and Neeps in Woodies.
25/1/2012 01:20:12 am
I hope the McChums that are meeting today enjoy haggis, neeps & tatties in Woodys with their pints of heavy! Have a great Burns Night.
Maka ( the elder)
25/1/2012 02:45:56 am
Hoot's mon the noo !Away looking for the elusive mac haggis in the woods today ,only seen once a year,anyone coming out for a deek.
25/1/2012 04:13:44 am
Just been on the Haggis web site,did you know,Haggis hunting season runs from when they hatch ( 30 Nov ) until 25 Jan, closing date's 3 o'clock to day,you learn something new every day,how about that,
25/1/2012 05:03:33 am
They will be fresh for this afternoon. Mebby you can get Haggis number 0001 like you did with the first pint of the year :)
26/1/2012 01:14:18 pm
I have placed the Collective Noun Poll Vote. It's a one Chum(ina)/one vote, so choose wisely and, like good anarchists, lets all agree to abide by the democratic process:)
26/1/2012 03:39:43 pm
Loved the Newcastle Forbidden Planet pics. I remember stumbling across the fabled shop in London after searching for what seemed like hours. Pure nerdgasm!!!!
26/1/2012 06:45:47 pm
Wasn't it just off Tottenham Court Road?
27/1/2012 02:17:30 am
Not been to the one in London, but I have frequented the one in Glasgow over the years. I love how nerdy & cool it makes me feel when I walk in the door...........
28/1/2012 07:43:45 pm
Ok, the game is up! Jumble is a crap noun for numerous Chums. I was scraping the 'firkin' 'barrel'!
30/1/2012 07:38:18 am
I was kinda coming round to it actually.
30/1/2012 05:46:50 pm
New toy on the Home Page. I have put up a chat facility. This obviously only works if there are two or more chums on the site at the same time, which is unlikely.
3/2/2012 06:52:51 am
Have a great night on Saturday all, ITT & I in Edinburgh to see a band so will miss out again, hopefully see a few of you on Wednesday all being well x
8/2/2012 03:06:43 am
I think the Collective noun vote has gone on long enough.
9/2/2012 10:34:32 am
Welcome home Gizmo we have missed you xXXx
10/2/2012 02:34:01 am
Thanks Nicky
Latest crack - Eddie and myself are working on putting a couple of gigs together round about May.Brickyard is a definite and if we can get it sorted the Col Harkness band will be supporting us.
15/2/2012 01:53:05 am
Hello Northernlad! Its Laddie here, my alter ego Needlenaddlenoo. Hope to make it to the gig this time.
17/2/2012 05:39:05 am
Good news Toddy :-)
18/2/2012 09:50:26 am
I met Nik Turner pre-gig in Hollywood on the 94 Space Ritual tour.Good crack and he had fond memories of the Stars and Stripes gig. His band included Helios Creed and Genesis P. Orridge.
20/2/2012 02:13:06 pm
Yep he remembered the Stars and Stripes gig and he obviously still enjoys his live music very friendly :-)
23/2/2012 06:06:44 pm
Ian Tan Tetherer (and other chums)
24/2/2012 02:24:35 am
Ta for the update, Prez. It'll be nice to have NNN back in the land of Cumbrians. The first time she says "hey, la'' or "calm down", i'm sending her back!
25/2/2012 11:10:40 am
Has anyone chatted in our chat room yet ?
27/2/2012 02:09:09 am
Back in Cumbria & managed a pint or two, sorry you couldn't make Friday Prez but we did see Giz & briefly waved at Jovi. Hope to catch the rest of you soon.
27/2/2012 01:33:29 pm
Me & Nicky gan to see Rammstein on Wed in Newcastle, so wheal miss chum club,see ya soon !
27/2/2012 06:29:08 pm
And i'm sure you will manage to ram a few steins down you too:0
28/2/2012 01:47:02 am
Enjoy the gig you two
28/2/2012 12:20:28 pm
Thanks guys will report back on our return, sad to hear about poor Fozzy bless him x
1/3/2012 04:01:00 am
For those who don't know yet the funeral is at 11:00am on Friday.
1/3/2012 12:50:59 pm
Just a mention that it's at St John the Baptist Church, Upperby.
1/3/2012 05:34:47 pm
Ooops, yes thanks Ian I should have put that.
4/3/2012 01:25:06 pm
If you've got a Saturdays late final News & Star check out page 4 what do you see, Ref, why we are named so
5/3/2012 05:43:10 am
What is it??
5/3/2012 10:14:32 am
The word CUMS is used in large print
5/3/2012 02:17:23 am
Happy Birthday Chum - hope it is a belter! Nic, the Chums have had a vote and you are on 'pandering duty' for the rest of the week. Every whim to be catered for....
5/3/2012 04:04:34 am
Beer, beer, and more beer
5/3/2012 09:04:29 am
Thank you for the best wishes, chums/chuminas. Getting spoiled rotten by NNN. She's getting Tex-Mex meal, hotel & gig ticket then we're doing it all again on friday.
5/3/2012 10:10:54 am
Enjoy your day hope its been a good one so far,
6/3/2012 01:05:23 pm
Hurrah I now have a mouse that works, hope you had a great Birthday Ian, hope you enjoyed the Manchester gig see you wed xXXx
12/3/2012 08:11:03 am
Hope you got home safelyfrom your gig Nicky?! Did you find a bar we hadn't drank/drunk (grammar police help please) dry?
12/3/2012 11:37:03 am
We did indeed get home safely thanks and a very spiffing sisterly shopping and Nazarething time we had too :-) Yes they had to restock the bar in the solid rock cafe after you and Ian had visited, we did our best to drink them out of rose too :-) how weird was it that we missed each other by 15 mins? LOL we could have waved you off see you soon chums xXXx
13/3/2012 02:05:11 am
Great pics of your mini-break, Giz.
16/3/2012 03:05:34 am
Love the EN&S article! Sadly ITT & I wont be out for a while, its his turn to do weekends the next few so have a pint or two for us!
16/3/2012 07:31:24 am
See you two when your back in circulation NNN. The news article is very good, you can tell that was Paul & Clago's own words. Just about to head off to Woodies, see what beer festival ales have to offer & catch Giz before he sails off into the sunset again!
16/3/2012 07:59:11 am
Catch you soon Shaggy (& the rest of you!)x
16/3/2012 08:04:50 am
Congratulations to the Napper for its prestigious award. Great article in the paper but i wonder why they took a photo of Rambo but did'nt interview him!
17/3/2012 05:08:08 pm
April 20th - The Brickyard
Prez/'Pagoda' Nick
18/3/2012 09:13:53 am
Great news about the gig. We will be there and will spread the word to the 'Kreepers' we still see.
19/3/2012 10:11:16 pm
I'll be over on April 4th then drifting around about - things like dragging Harkness to another Workington Reds match! If you cometo the gig abandon the Napper early and catch the support acts - we have chosen well!
22/3/2012 02:47:42 am
Great pic, Prez. Reminds me of the times we all queued up like a photographic production line in our best clothes! The hairstyle must have been the standard of the day too!
22/3/2012 02:28:06 pm
how cute - off with his beard !!!!!!
23/3/2012 12:55:17 am
Congratulations to Kimbers on her Weakest Link win. Who would have thought in an all Cumbrian final too. Now the secret's out, the drinks are on you! Only joking.
23/3/2012 03:02:40 am
Firstly, I agree with Nicky, how cute & freckly the pair of you look! And many congratulations to Kimmers, ITT & I agree you got some of the hardest questions too! Hope you got something silly & nice with the money & not a new sink or garden fence with the cash!
23/3/2012 05:36:47 pm
Thanks chums!!! Got totally stuck on some of the questions, that was a doddle though compared to keeping the result a secret!!! Money is still in the bank- ready for treating myself to a well deserved holiday maybe??? x
2/4/2012 07:54:17 pm
A date for the Chums away-day has been agreed by quorum. Check the calendar for more information.
3/4/2012 07:52:01 am
Well chummies - one more day at work then flying out tomorrow! See you in the Napper sometime then the Brickyard on the 20th
3/4/2012 08:05:08 am
Smashing news and well timed as I am off work for two weeks:)
5/4/2012 03:04:19 am
ITT's shifts mean we can make the Brickyard, yeay. Unfortunately, thanks to my boss booking 20th as a hol we can't make Newcastle, boo hiss. Bizzarely he is in Newcastle for the weekend!
5/4/2012 12:31:15 pm
Nice photos of Judiths Birthday Bash Thanks Judith Yummy buffet hope you had a great birthday. See you all tomorrow for good Friday drinkies :-)
19/4/2012 05:18:05 am
Unfortunately, due to work commitments (I'll need commited after this weekend!) I am unable to come out and play on Friday....working 6am until whenever on Friday & back in at 6am Saturday. Hope to catch you all soon. Love the new header by the way, very cool x
19/4/2012 06:28:36 am
Well done, Bobby for getting to your 5000th landmark of ales tasted. What a connoisseur!
19/4/2012 04:29:02 pm
Better be careful with the Fungi photos in the future or I'll be getting a reputation!!! Trying to make a bunch of 'old farts' look cool must count as Anarchistic?!? See you two when NNN is totally broken but amazingly THIRSTY. See other Chums tomorrow wether it be the during the day or the evenings R&R (& that works on two levels). See ya later Chums & Chuminas.
20/4/2012 10:43:26 am
Morpheroo!!! just popped on the pics from Shaggy felt compelled to add Hawkwinds Master of the Universe on to accompany ~ ah perfect :-) Had a great Chum night out on Sat thanks to all. Every Brickyard has a Silver Lining or a Silver Cloud well it has tonight anyway See you all there chums xXXx
21/4/2012 11:23:56 am
Simply just great pic's of the usual crowd on a great night out
21/4/2012 03:56:47 pm
The photos of last week have come out well, plus I'd forgotten how good that clip of rainbow was :)
22/4/2012 08:22:30 pm
Calling all Chums. There is a Chum-away day this Sunday (29th April).
23/4/2012 08:02:43 am
Wae'aye man chum
23/4/2012 02:30:10 pm
I'm there chum
23/4/2012 03:33:46 pm
Happy birthday Ruth and Paul looks like you had a good time going by the pics, sorry i missed it been doing other stuff, i must get in the Napper more :-)
24/4/2012 07:31:40 pm
Excellent page Neil, cool name too!
25/4/2012 03:19:19 am
Love the new layout Prez and The new pages. IT is truly a scary monster won't be able to sleep now. Maybe after 5 or 10 of these we can have a scary monster poll to reveal the scariest of them all :-) Newcastle will be a hoot sorry I can't make it but have a great time chums xxxx
25/4/2012 07:35:02 am
Many many thanks to all those of you who came down to the Brickyard on Friday,especially you Nik and especially under the circumstances,I won't forget it.
26/4/2012 07:53:11 am
It was pleasure to watch you all again. As you said I am probably one of the few that have seen all three gigs in the past 26 years, so I couldn't break my record:)
25/4/2012 01:58:47 pm
Thank you Neil for a mention on your page but think the other Capt may have said it better
25/4/2012 04:26:04 pm
thats true ewan but only the shat could be so cheesy but think he was so serious. i'll keep a look out for any patrick stewart albums for next st george's day.
25/4/2012 08:40:52 pm
It looks like we missed a great night for Silver Cloud, judging by the photos. Everyone seems to be having a crackin' time.
26/4/2012 03:06:55 am
Great pics, love the last one of Nicky & Macca, one for their mantlepiece! Sorry we can't make Newcastle, my boss beat me by 30 secs to taking the 30th as a days hol (ignore the note above where I said 20th, typo!). Keep On Chumming as my hubby is so fond of saying! As for the pics of shaggy in bunches, wrong on so many levels :o)
26/4/2012 07:57:03 am
Yup the site is teeming with new stuff. There will be even more after we return from our Newcastle Jolly, I'm sure.
26/4/2012 11:04:26 am
Thanks again prez for setting up the page. As you said its hard to break anything. It is pretty easy to use chums and if i can do it anyone can. Roll on Chumcastle.
26/4/2012 01:24:09 pm
No problem. I see Yoda has appeared on it.
29/4/2012 12:29:46 am
Chum Chum Chum Newcastle here we come
30/4/2012 05:32:46 am
Newcastle was a grand day out. Lots of crackin' craic and excellent, and very very strong ales (41% AVB). No that is NOT a typo, we didn't forget the decimal point.
30/4/2012 06:05:07 am
Twas a good day if not a bit soggy. At least everyone was still talking to each other by the end. Next time could we have some sunshine Prez? Thanks to Ewan for keeping everyone awake on the way home. Bonk-on chum, chum, chumcastle.
30/4/2012 06:21:10 am
Ironically the only picture I have of anyone with theire eyes closed is.....Ewan.
30/4/2012 07:48:36 am
Makka mentioned the bottle you were going to share the cost of, was it as good as the price suggested? Hope your heads were not too sore....
30/4/2012 04:54:43 pm
NNN I didn't club in for any of it, I just had a small sip of a few (each sip was probably worth a pound. It was honestly like nothing I've ever tasted before.
30/4/2012 08:04:51 am
I managed to avoid the whole "brew dog" episode. All I know is it didn't do his bowels any favours. Thought something had crawled in there and died!
30/4/2012 02:55:43 pm
Shaggy. Excellent work on the morphing pictures mate. I wonder if you can use it to exaggerate size. If so could I borrow the software?
30/4/2012 03:07:13 pm
Using some really scary software I can tell there are four Chums on line (Neil, Den and Shaggy are three:))
30/4/2012 03:55:51 pm
That's some scary software, Prez. Are you working for Rupert Murdoch? And if you say no, how can we believe you?
30/4/2012 03:58:44 pm
I see you too ITT with your
1/5/2012 03:11:30 am
Love the Newcastle photos, love the morphed shaggy specials. Glad I wasn't at the stinkathon on the train home!
1/5/2012 03:33:26 am
Even Jonathon was guilty of guffing. If you look at the photos on the train on the way home there's one of Paul shaking his hand. He is 'congratulating' him on the stench he had produced which was so bad everyone else had to move.
1/5/2012 07:55:05 am
Captive audience indeed, hope the train was empty!
1/5/2012 12:14:31 pm
16,000 hits in one year? This site could find refuge in a Domestic Violence Shelter!!!! Glad everyone enjoyed the Newcastle day trip, sorry I couldn't be there, sodding work eh! Love what you've done with the Klamydia album covers Prez. See those out at Wednesday Club to catch up on the dirt from Sunday :)
1/5/2012 06:04:05 pm
Aye mate, I'll be out tomorrow. That will be my last chance to Chum it until Monday/Tuesday depending when we get back from the Granite city. I have my Kilt here and it looks braw:)
1/5/2012 06:27:56 pm
I sense someone is online even as I type...
2/5/2012 05:11:48 am
There's a great hive of activity on the site at the moment & all very entertaining. Keep up the good work, Chums!
2/5/2012 06:45:54 am
That's not new software that the Prez has got, 'tis just the Force is strong in this one! What are the initials for your workplace again Prez, oh yeah! that was it! GCHQ!!!!!!!! Anyone who can make Jovi baulk with a guff has just earned my undying respect. Think you may need to see a Doctor about that one Jonathan! Gonna echo ITT & say 'keep on chumming'.
2/5/2012 07:07:11 am
Or is that 'keep on chuffing'?
3/5/2012 06:17:42 am
Welcome home Giz good to see you and great that my Giz perception tracker is in good working order :-)
3/5/2012 01:28:08 pm
Don't contact the Cops yet Nicky, I'm still working on the ransom note! Have any Chums out there got som spare Gaffer tape?
3/5/2012 04:21:28 pm
I've found that cable-ties are better to use for binding as they're easier to apply especially when dealing with two people.
8/5/2012 07:10:29 pm
It appears one of them escaped. I saw Simon in the Napper yesterday.
3/5/2012 04:54:47 pm
3/5/2012 07:42:00 pm
That'th eathy for you to thay!!!
4/5/2012 03:06:29 am
Edinburgh Chum away day Wed 8th August All chums and Chuminas welcome unofficial tour guide Gizmo plenty of time to arrange hols etc for this midweek spectacular, any ideas for watering holes to visit just pop it into the pot. Train tickets are always cheaper if booked well in advance its only 1 hour 20 ish by train even less than Newcastle hurrah! :-)
4/5/2012 01:16:54 pm
just been to edinburgh last week with the good lady,we can really recommend the queens arms on frederick street,the jekyll and hyde on hanover street where you can play find the toilet,the standing order and the alexander graham bell,both on george street and both woodies pubs so cheap drink aplenty,bannermans rock club on cow gate too,theres some good pubs on rose street too but the names escape me at the mo
4/5/2012 06:25:16 pm
Your right, Prez. Your kilt looks braw & worn like a true Scot too. I hope your enjoying the Scottish hospitality.
5/5/2012 05:16:48 am
Great pic's, hope it didn't get to cold up the kilt
5/5/2012 05:27:51 am
I don't know! one week it's me with my hair in bunches, the next it's the Prez in a frock!!! Where's this site heading???????? Very smart indeed Nick. Chum chum chum.
6/5/2012 11:11:01 am
Thanks Mike we will make a note of those pubs hope you had a good time x
7/5/2012 02:48:23 pm
we might even join you on this little jolly,have you had the hrh email as its on the move to pwllheli
8/5/2012 07:08:51 pm
You would both be very welcome Chum.
10/5/2012 06:07:38 am
Just looked its a Haven Site for HRH 6
10/5/2012 09:26:39 am
Oh dear better take your own clean bedding!
7/5/2012 03:01:20 pm
forgot to say theres also a brewdog bar up the road from bannermans
8/5/2012 10:46:31 am
Cheers for the 'Good Pub' guide to 'Auld Reekie' Mike. We know the sister pub to the Jekyll & Hyde in Nottingham, the Pit & Pendulum. I'm sure this one will be just as entertaining & we shall go to it knowing how they hide the toilets, ha ha! The Brewdog is another cert.
8/5/2012 02:08:55 pm
8/5/2012 07:07:50 pm
8/5/2012 03:24:50 pm
And how about those viagra eye drops?
8/5/2012 07:06:56 pm
Can I have a bit of help please? I am struggling to remember other albums, EPs and singles produced by Klahmydia. As we all know their titles were suggestive, offensive and usually had double and even triple meanings, so If you can send me any you think of and a brief description - line up, genre, interesting facts etc i'll try to find a copy of the cover and upload it.
9/5/2012 03:32:57 am
Wow, that was a fancy wedding, very nice. Love the castle pics too, looks very cool.
11/5/2012 03:48:17 pm
OK 200th Comment. Time for a new page.
11/5/2012 04:07:03 pm
11/5/2012 04:11:31 pm
'Cos I have started a new page....and you have just ruined my perfect number to stop it on:) Comments are closed.
Where The Chums can Chunter
December 2014