Poets Korner
Never let it be said we ain't cultured, like; eh? This page is for folk to send poems, lyrics etc that may amuse a Chum.
Ode to the Chums
On a wednesday and a friday I know where I will be,
in woodrow's then the king's heed with the chums of anarchy.
they got me into ale them buggers but you shan't hear me complain,
except when I've had too much "T'Owd Tup" and can't work my own brain.
They try to keep me straight sometimes and their efforts never lack,
but haha hee hee and chortle t'is the pot calling the kettle black.
So here's to the chums of anarchy loving every drink,
we'll revel in childish innuendo but always make you think.
Mill Milligan 2011
in woodrow's then the king's heed with the chums of anarchy.
they got me into ale them buggers but you shan't hear me complain,
except when I've had too much "T'Owd Tup" and can't work my own brain.
They try to keep me straight sometimes and their efforts never lack,
but haha hee hee and chortle t'is the pot calling the kettle black.
So here's to the chums of anarchy loving every drink,
we'll revel in childish innuendo but always make you think.
Mill Milligan 2011
Nicky has sent this poem in the local vernacular.
Use it or Loose it by the late Irving Graham
Use it or lose it, that's wat fwoak say
If yah divvent deuh this, it'll whurrell away
Use oor mack a tawk, oor Cummerlan crack
Coz yence it hez gone, it'll nivver cum back.
Ah's tellin yah noo, tawk as much as yah can
In oor mack a tawk, it'll keep it gay srang
Use it gay often - es much es yah leyke
Or it'll just gan away leyke snaw off a deyke
Use it or Loose it by the late Irving Graham
Use it or lose it, that's wat fwoak say
If yah divvent deuh this, it'll whurrell away
Use oor mack a tawk, oor Cummerlan crack
Coz yence it hez gone, it'll nivver cum back.
Ah's tellin yah noo, tawk as much as yah can
In oor mack a tawk, it'll keep it gay srang
Use it gay often - es much es yah leyke
Or it'll just gan away leyke snaw off a deyke
This is an old local poem from WWI. As it is a bad copy it is often difficult to read but well worth it.
MainManMark, Mr Chumley himself, sent this to the comments page.
Clare’s Kangaroo.
It’s often said from where I come, that Kangaroos are Hares
Or more than likely it could be, that Ducks grow into Bears
But overgrown and on two legs, a Hare it could not be
Until the other day I saw, a Kangaroo laughing at me
I stopped and looked, it beckoned to me, to come and have a chat
So strolled I did and over to, remembering to remove my hat
“Good morning Big Brown Kangaroo, How are you today”
“I’m very well my friend, that’s nice of you to say”
“Please forgive me laughing, as you did walk on by”
I’d heard a very funny joke, from a passing Fly”
“He told me people from round here think that we are Hares”
“So what do you think of that, if you have any cares”
“Oh I care a lot of what you say my very fine Kangaroo”
I’m sure it can’t quite be right, what a hullabaloo”
“To think that Kangaroos are Hares is very strange indeed”
“You’d need to have a lot of carrots in your daily feed”
“I’d not confirm to what you say, regarding Big Brown Hares”
But I do remember hearing, that Ducks turn into Bears”.
©Mark (Chumley) Britton
If anyone else has any lyrics, verse or doggerel they would like posted send it to me and I will put it up...but please nothing about a man from Nantucket...